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FREE Idea Jams


Why Participate:


Share your own school improvement ideas and learn new ones to try from colleagues.


In an interactive session, an educator will present a new idea they have considered for creating a more ideal school. Participants then suggest additional strategies and methods for the educator to try. A facilitator will help the group explore two or three of them in more depth. 


Our Line-up:​

  1. Sign up here to present your idea for school improvement and receive additional ideas from the group. Open dates for presentations are:​​

    • Jan. 5

    • Feb. 2

    • Mar. 2

    • Apr. 6

Focus: School Improvement Brainstorming
Format: Virtual

Length: 40 minutes
Frequency: Monthly - attend as many as you like



"This session was energizing and inspiring. A collaborative session to develop and build upon ideas together."—Karla Reider

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